The Guy Who Touches Women's Asses...
I admit it: I touch women's asses in public. Women that I don't know. Women with nice asses: I touch them. I touch them intentionally. I mean, maybe I sometimes brush a woman's ass by accident, but mostly I touch them on purpose...
Furthermore, I blame women for this: yes I do. Tight pants, tight leggings, tight skirts, yoga pants: women are putting their asses out into the public sphere. I am in the public sphere, and I touch those asses...
Now, I don't grope or pinch or hook: I keep an open palm -- I cup. Obviously, some women get upset that I do this. Somehow they didn't think this would happen when they got dressed in the morning in leggings that clearly show their buttocks. Again: I blame the women for this...
They have made their identity about their ass, then feign surprise when I view them as a vehicle for their ass. When they get really upset I hand them a card I've had printed: "I have Autism. And I'm partially deaf." Then I make grunting noises that sound like I'm trying to say words, but I can't actually say the words. Because I'm partially deaf. And have autism. This usually causes the woman to walk away. When they walk away I look at their ass: I touched that ass.
I am Laslo.
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