Saturday, November 29, 2014

John Travolta and Dolphins.

I was at a Halloween party in the Eighties dressed as a dolphin and John Travolta wanted to have sex with me: I don't know if this was because I was a guy or because I was dressed as a dolphin. I nicely said 'no' and he was cool about it, he gave me a paperback copy of "Dianetics."

Later at the party Travolta got drunk, and he kept asking if he could put a finger in my blowhole.

It was embarrassing: he kept saying how he had put a finger in a dolphin's blowhole before, that I didn't know how good it feels, that when he put a finger in a dolphin's blowhole for the first time he was always "extra-gentle".

There are only so many ways of saying "Dude, stop touching my blowhole."

A friend of his came over to me later and apologized.

He said that when Travolta got drunk everything became about the blowhole.

Then he offered me money if I would just go ahead and have sex with John Travolta and let him touch my blowhole, just this one time. I guess you don't get to the Top in Hollywood without being persistent.

Travolta kept saying that putting a finger in a man's blowhole was no big deal in Hollywood, Celebrities in the Eighties did it all the time. To this day I still can no longer watch a Steve Gutenberg movie.

He just couldn't take 'No' for an answer. He offered to wear a dolphin costume, too, if that would make it more comfortable for me: we'd just be two guys wearing dolphin costumes and touching each other's blowholes.

I kept saying 'No' but then he got really angry: he said I was no f**kin' dolphin, I was just a "lowly tuna boy."

Then it was:

"Oh, little baby Tuna Boy, Chicken of the Sea"

followed by:

"Do you know how easy it is for me to get my Tuna Salad 'tossed' in This Town, Tuna Boy?"

and then he started crying, saying he would make it up to me, and did I want him to sign my new "Dianetics" paperback?

I don't know how much of this I can blame on Scientology.

I am Laslo.

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