Saturday, October 17, 2015

"Yeah. Bukkake Girls always get an eye infection..."

"Oh God, you should've seen Room 433 that I had to clean up."

"I heard rumors..."

"They obviously had a Bukkake Party in there."

"And of course they leave it to us maids to clean up the mess."

"Ain't that how it always is? There was semen everywhere, the walls were wet. My skin is still crawling, and I had to throw away my shoes."

"Can't these people at least lay down some towels?"

""You'd think. The only thing they used a towel for is one guy who obviously wiped his ass with it."

"Ewwww. Shit Towel People. Those are the worst."

"Yeah. And the chick used toilet paper to wipe herself up, and then just left it on the floor. Like she can't be bothered to even throw it in the trash."

"That's just rude."

"And the smell..."

"It's never pretty."

"The best you can hope for is to get the ammonia and air freshener to be stronger than the spunk."

"Some days you feel like you should've never come into work in the first place."

"Amen. And some jackass broke the toilet, trying to flush a pair of underpants."

"Probably married. Can't have the Wife see Jizz-shorts."

"Men can be pretty fucked up."

"Yeah. And I hope she gets an eye infection."


"Yeah. Bukkake Girls always get an eye infection..."

I am Laslo.

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