Sunday, October 15, 2017

"I'm a psychopath that NEEDS his asshole eaten by beautiful women!"

Harvey and his Therapist...

"Harvey, we have only worked together a short time, but I think it is safe to say you possess psychopathic tendencies..."

"Whew! What a relief!"

"You find that a relief, Harvey?"

"Sure! Then none of this is my fault!"

"Uh, I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way..."

"Sure it does. I couldn't help myself. I was COMPELLED to have women eat my asshole!"

"Harvey, you used your position of power to coerce those women..."

"I'm a psychopath -- what did people expect? I'm a psychopath that NEEDS his asshole eaten by beautiful women!"

"Harvey, you had the free will to restrain your impulses..."

"You non-psychopaths don't ever get it. There is no Free Will when the compulsion to have someone eat your ass comes over you..."

Let's try a though experiment, Harvey. You are in your office, and there is a beautiful actress there. What are you thinking...?"

"I am thinking I want her to eat my ass..."

"OK, Harvey. Now picture that woman being someone you deeply care about, like your Mother, perhaps..."

"Oh God! Mom -- stop eating my ass, Mother! MOTHER STOP EATING MY ASS...!"

"Harvey, your Mother would only be eating your ass if YOU had forced her to eat your ass..."

"I didn't force her! She just started eating my ass, and now I'm ten-years old and I just shit my pants as Mom laughs and I yell I'M NOT A POOPY BOY! I'M NOT A POOPY BOY! but she still laughs and when I grow up I will make women pay, they won't be laughing when they're eating my ass! TAKE THAT, MOM: TAKE THAT...!

"I think we're making progress, Harvey..."

"Yeah? Do you think if I had killed my mother then none of this other stuff would've ever happened?"

"That's an interesting theory, Harvey. How about we take that up at our next session..."

I am Laslo.

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