Thursday, August 17, 2017

When the fear of death is gone a people get the fever...

I see they are taking the statues down. Perhaps surprisingly, I am at peace with this: memories fade, and History begins another page. Me, I prefer to be at peace than to be dragged out in spirit for virtuous beatings. I fought in a war where my side lost: respectful silence is much to ask for, but I ask this of my God, anyway...

I see so much hate in people's hearts today: it seems a soft life turns some to hate and violence, maybe so that they can feel alive. When I was fighting in Pittsburg Landing I did not feel more alive. No, I feared death. I feared everything I knew, gone. When the fear of death is gone a people get the fever...

I must say, the fear of death for the Negro seems to be mostly because of his own brothers. They are forever cursed to fight a war where they inflict the most damages upon themselves. Maybe that view is colored by the past I lived in: I can accept that, for a man may only know what he wants to know....

I am Parson Graham, Confederate Ghost...

I am Laslo.

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