Monday, December 8, 2014

My Imaginary Editor.

As an educated and well-credentialed reporter I am constantly tasked with stories that expose the Real America that lies outside our doors: an America that enshrines racism, sexism and the othering of others due to a mistaken sense of Pride in an America that has never actually existed. 

When I write these important stories my Imaginary Editor is there to make sure I do not stray from my Mission. My Imaginary Editor encourages me to find sources that corroborate the story, without causing them the pain of Patriarchal Suspicion through unnecessary questioning of their stories.

Since many Americans cannot grasp these concepts we find it useful to use graphs: my Imaginary Editor ideally prefers graphs with little pictures of people so that the American Public can understand it is about them, and thus can form the right opinion without uneducated analysis on their own of the stories.

As with all well-educated people I will sometimes have a crisis of confidence as to whether I am doing the right thing, and that is the most important service my Imaginary Editor provides: the unwavering sense and support that what we are doing is the best for the American people: without us, they would be lost in a world of information that so often seems to contradict what we write.

As such, I believe a large amount of gratitude is owed to my Imaginary Editor, and all the other Imaginary Editors: long may they edit the story of America.

I am Laslo.

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