Monday, December 1, 2014

Obama and daughter at the bookstore.

Obama: "I'm looking for a book..."

Clerk: "The name?"

Obama: "ummmm...."

Clerk: "Do you know the author?"

Obama: "Yes: yes I do. It is "Dreams of My Father..."

Clerk: "Let me look that up..."

Obama: "It should be in 'Biography'..."

Clerk: "Found it. It's in paperback."

Obama: "That's fine, that's fine.."

Clerk: "Actually, it is on our Remainder Bargain Table: 80% off!"

Obama: "I don't mind paying full price -- it's for my daughters..."

Clerk: 'Then your daughters are lucky little girls: if you buy a remaining copy you can get a copy of Bill Ayer's "Public Enemy. Confessions of an American Dissident" for just an additional dollar."

Obama: "Ummmm: I don't know who that is..."

Clerk: "That's funny: it says that 87% of the people who bought Bill Ayer's "Public Enemy. Confessions of an American Dissident" also bought "Dreams of My Father"...

Obama: "Doesn't ring a bell."

Clerk: "No worries: let me have someone bring up that "My Father's Dreams" book...

Obama: "That's "Dreams of My Father."

Clerk: "Sure, yes. Was that in 'Self-Help"...?

Obama: "Auto-Biography..."

Clerk: "Really? Did someone famous write it?"

Malia: "My Daddy!"

Clerk: "Wonderful! And who is your Daddy. little girl?"

Malia: "My Daddy is President!"

Clerk: "Ohhh! Yes! Yes! Then you might also want "Fugitive Days: A Memoir," by Bill Ayers. It sounds like your dad and he have a lot in common!"

Malia: You mean 'Uncle Bill'...?

I am Laslo.

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