Saturday, September 30, 2017

Sadly, there is little depth to the three gay fathers: indeed, they could easily be mistaken as heteronormative.

Jayla Burns Hydell, Children's Book Editor...

Thank you for your submission "Brad Has Three Dads". While the book is promising, I'm afraid it does not meet our high standards...

Brad having three Dads is a good beginning point, but I couldn't help but notice that the small boy is blatantly white. While one of his Dads IS Hispanic there is little dealing with his Hispanic culture, and the obstacles he no doubt faces in a fascist White America. Perhaps he could have been an undocumented citizen...?

Sadly, there is little depth to the three gay fathers: indeed, they could easily be mistaken as heteronormative. While dealing with sexual matters in a children's book can be tricky, we feel five-year-olds are ready for discreet mentions of anal sex, and possibly fisting...

We also believe the book misses a great opportunity to discuss gender issues in children. The idea that Brad does not even question his gender orientation is laughably quaint in today's society...

Finally, there is Brad's friend Jamal: while African-American, it is Jamal who questions Brad about his familial arrangement. Surely we do not need to stoop down in stereotyping blacks as suspicious of LBGT identities...

We thank you for your submission, but for the reasons above we do not believe it is a good fit for our Publishing Strategies. I have included a copy of our latest book "Jeanie Cut Off Her Wienie" in the hopes it might direct you in further efforts...

I am Laslo.

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