Saturday, September 30, 2017

The cucumber that the father inserts into his anus is certainly well-illustrated, yet it is disappointingly devoid of context.

Jayla Burns Hydell, Children's Book Editor...

Thank you for your submission "Daddy, What Is In Your Butt?". While the book is promising, I'm afraid it does not meet our high standards...

The idea of anal sex play can be an important one for children to discover. However, I couldn't help but notice that the Father is blatantly white. Furthermore, his son is white, also. Anal sex play should not be seen as something with which only bourgeois families engage...

The sexual orientation of the Father is disappointingly left vague. Do not misunderstand: anal sex play by one's self is a healthy experience and should be celebrated, but it is obvious there could be more to the story. Surely there could be more of how the Father incorporates anal sex play into his sexual relationships, whether they are with women, men, or both...

The cucumber that the father inserts into his anus is certainly well-illustrated, yet it is disappointingly devoid of context. Is it organic? Was it locally grown? These are the kind of details that can separate a children's book from the mundane...

It is well and good that the child accepts his Father's anal sex play activity, but there is no development of how this informs the child's possible sexual exploration: the idea that the child does not insert a cucumber -- or, perhaps, carrot -- in his anus is facile at best...

We thank you for your submission, but for the reasons above we do not believe it is a good fit for our Publishing Strategies. I have included a copy of our latest book "Mommy's Ultra Amazing Vibrating Toy" in the hopes it might direct you in further efforts...

I am Laslo.

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