Saturday, September 30, 2017

Well, Fat Eddie didn't smell so good, and when he came it was like drinking motor oil.

Bruce Springsteen on Broadway...

People say, Bruce, how can you write about the poor and the oppressed when you're so rich? Like, somehow I forgot about Jersey, you know? I NEVER forget about Jersey, it's like my soul. I remember being broke and giving blow-jobs below the boardwalk for money for cigarettes...

I remember giving a blow-job to this guy, people called him Fat Eddie. Well, Fat Eddie didn't smell so good, and when he came it was like drinking motor oil -- real sludgy. Yeah, yeah: Fat Eddie, he died not too long ago -- diabetes is a bitch, you know...?

So one day I was sitting on the toilet, thinking about Jersey and Fat Eddie, and I started writing a song. It happens that way sometimes -- I'm just sitting on the toilet, and I got a new song. Anyway, Fat Eddie was a dreamer, man. He was always talking about ways to make money fast, but when he paid for his blow-jobs it was always quarters and dimes, you know what I mean...?

Fat Eddie, he sometimes hung out with a street-kid named Bonesy. Everybody called him Bones because he was so skinny, skinny in that Jersey-Nothing-Left-To-Lose way, right? Well, Bonesy, he always had a bad cough. He had pneumonia bad as a kid, and now he chain-smoked those Marlboro Reds...

Well, one day the cops pick up Bonesy, they got him for stealing a car. It's Jersey, right? You get with your friends, steal a car and head out on the highway to drink some beer and talk about the girls you'll never get to have. Fat Eddie, he scraped up the cash to bail out Bonesy, but by the time he had the money Bonesy had hung himself in his cell...

Some people say the guards gave him the shoelaces to hang himself, Jersey can be hard that way. So like I said, I was sitting on the toilet and this song came to me, 'Bonesy and Fat Eddie', I'm a-gonna play it for you now...

I am Laslo.

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