Saturday, April 18, 2015

That said, I love gay potato salad, love it.

Hillary clarifies which gay events she would attend, and to which events she would have to R.S.V.P. “no”:

Gay Barbecue

I would go to a gay barbecue, but I would respectfully refrain from eating meat because I want Vegans to know that I support their civil rights, too. That said, I love gay potato salad, love it.

Gay Bar Trivia

I would go to a gay bar trivia event, and remind them that gay rights are NOT trivial, and that, if elected, they can expect me to fight hard for their concerns. I simply hope that at the event everybody is a winner.

Gay Bar Mitzvah

I respect the Jewish religious tradition. But I would remind the people attending that Muslims have rights, too. Indeed: I will show up at a Muslim Bar Mitzvah, if invited.

Gay Christening

Of course I would attend. I have a grandchild, you know, and -- call it a Grandmother's Hunch -- but I think she might be gay. As President, I will fight for the Rights of possibly gay grandchildren everywhere in America.

Gay Wedding of Someone I’m Not Close To

I am always open to meeting new gay people, even those that are not currently potential donors: I'm a people person.

Gay Wedding of My Worst Enemy

I would not attend, but I would send a gift donation to the Clinton Foundation in their name. I see it as an opportunity to build Trust. Truthfully though, I don't think I have any gay enemies. Gay people know they have my support, and that I will fight for them when I am President of the United States. 

Gay Night at the Cubbyhole

I would certainly go to the well-known New York City lesbian bar the Cubbyhole: it would be a fantastic opportunity to better understand their concerns in a relaxed environment. My eyes are light-sensitive though, so I will need to wear my sunglasses inside.

Gay Sex Party

I am a Grandmother, people. Of course, that is not to say that there aren't Gay Grandmothers across this Great Country enjoying an active gay sex life -- I am not saying that at all. And there are no health concerns that would prevent me from participating, if that is what you mean.

Intimate Evening with My Secret Gay Lover

I don't know how to properly answer that question: I am not a secretive person.

Gay Speed Dating

I would go to a gay speed-dating event in order to meet as many constituents as possible in a short time frame and get their support in the upcoming election.

Gay Anti-Gay-Marriage Rally

Of course I would attend, and I would hope I might be able to enlighten the anti-gay gays on how to be more inclusive. While being gay. Which I support, and will continue to support, as President.

My Own Gay Wedding

Huma and I laugh about this exact situation all the time. You know: Girl Talk. Women understand this.

I am Laslo.

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