Saturday, November 28, 2015

"Anyway, I believe the Inauthentic Me is my being a Police Officer and liking to shoot black people."

"Who here at this seminar doesn't want to know the Authenticity of Themselves better?"

(crowd noise of agreement)

By finding the Authentic You you can better relate to the World you inhabit, and by your Authenticity you will better understand what is truly Authentic in Your World, and what is merely the Detritus that drags you down."

(crowd noise of agreement)

"You, the young woman in the second row."


"What have you realized to be the most Inauthentic Part of You?"


"Don't be shy: if we cannot be Authentic here in this room how can we hope to be Authentic outside?"

"Yeah. I guess so. Well, the most Inauthentic Part of Me was probably the me that slept with the Boss to get a promotion."

"And by knowing that, how does that make you more Authentic?"

"I got the job I Authentically deserved. I got a killer office, and my own assigned parking spot. I LIKE this Authentic Me."

"See, people? Do you see how this works? You, sir, in the third row -- how about you?"

"THis all stays here in the room, right?"

"We respect everyone's Privacy in this Seminar."

"Well, I guess the Most Inauthentic Part of Me was when I slept with my sister's thirteen-year-old daughter."

(crowd grumbles)

"People! We are not here to pass judgement! We can only go forward by knowing what we are leaving behind. Now, sir, what has that made you learn about your Authenticity?"

"I have learned that the Authentic Me really likes young girls -- REALLY likes young girls -- but would never sleep with a family member."

(crowd noise of agreement)

"And you, sir, in the front."

"The Most Inauthentic Part of Me is probably the part where I buried all the girls I have strangled."

(crowd grumbles)

"The Authentic Me now realizes I should leave the bodies where they can be found. To give the Families' Closure. That would be the Authentic Me."

(crowd noise of agreement)

"Progress, people: what you are witnessing is Growth! You in the back..."

"I believe the Inauthentic Me is my being a Police Officer..."

(a few scattered "Uh-Oh"s from the Crowd).

"No, it's not like that: I am not here to arrest anyone.

(various sighs of relief in the crowd)

"Anyway, I believe the Inauthentic Me is my being a Police Officer and liking to shoot black people."

"(crowd noises of discomfort)

"I now realize the Authentic Me was never meant to be a Cop. The Autentic Me was meant to kill black people without the Inauthentic need for the Authority of a Badge."

(crowd noise of agreement)

"See, People? What if all of America could be this True to Themselves? Wouldn't America be a more Authentic Place?"

(crowd noise of agreement)

I am Laslo.

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