Thursday, November 26, 2015

Even Wednesday gets to be Hump Day.

Thanksgiving is such an odd Holiday, calendar-wise.

Christmas? On the 25th.

New Year's Day? on the 1st.

Fourth of July? Not even a trick question.

Holidays that land on all the days of the week, eventually.

But Thanksgiving insists that it will always be on Thursday.

Not, say, Friday, which is sort of an unofficial mini-day=of-Celebration every week.

Not Monday, the day everyone professes to Hate.

Tuesdays get Elections.

Even Wednesday gets to be Hump Day.

No; Thursday. Possibly the most unassuming day of the week, and Thanksgiving picked it. And is sticking with it, calendar be damned.

If you are born on St. Patricks Day your birthday will always be on St. Patricks day, year in, year out.

But born on Thanksgiving? Well, Thanksgiving isn't your birthday next year, buddy. You're gonna have to wait it out a few years.

The only thing weirder is Leap Day. But I'll save that for, well, a Leap Day.

I am Laslo.

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