Saturday, March 19, 2016

Maybe that is Not Reasonable, but it is How the Snake Thinks.

The Slightly-Less-Than-Average-Intelligence Althouse Reader says:

I know you Smart People.

You know the Right People for me to listen to. You know what I should Read and Watch, and -- probably more Important -- what I Shouldn't Read or Watch. 

By agreeing with you you don't develop Respect for me: now I can be Safely Ignored. When you can Safely Ignore the Right Number of People it is that much easier to Marginalize the Others.

But you have lost the Reptile Part of your Brain. Because you are Smarter than that.

When something threatens you, you get a Lawyer. Or a Journalist. Or a Politician.

When something threatens me I consider Violence as an Option. Maybe that is Not Reasonable, but it is How the Snake Thinks.

Because no Elite Fucker is going to Tell Me What I Should Think or How Low I must Bow.

So remember me when I work on the brakes of your car. You know, you shouldn't take Stopping as a Given. Things can happen.

And I figure you don't get it.

Because you're Smart.

I am Laslo.

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