Saturday, November 18, 2017

So I discreetly took a photo of her with my iPhone of her perky nipples in the pink sports bra...

The Guy Who Searches the Internet for Nude Pictures of an Old Girlfriend...

I wonder if my ex-girlfriend know that those photos are on the internet. She has to know: if I have heard the rumors, she must certainly know...

A week ago I was in the car in the parking lot, waiting for her to come out of the grocery store. When she came out she was in her tight black gym pants and her pink sports bra, and her nipples were poking through. So I discreetly took a photo of her with my iPhone of her perky nipples in the pink sports bra...

I admit: I did consider posting it to the internet, but I don't want to be THAT guy -- it's kinda creepy, I think. Sure, I look for her nude photo on the internet, but I wasn't the one who took them and I wasn't the one who posted them, so I am not the creep here...

It had dawned on me that she might have copies of the photos herself, on her computer. And I DO still have the key to her apartment...

I didn't keep the key to be a creep, I just forgot to give it back, that's all. Well, actually that is a lie. I kept the key figuring we were going to get back together so I might as well keep it. Then, after some time passed, I thought it would be creepy to return the key to her, because that would mean I was holding on to it the entire time...

But it has crossed my mind that I could sneak into her apartment while she was at work and check what files she had on her computer: I still have her password, if she hasn't changed it, but I don't think she would change it because it was the name of her beloved childhood pet and she wouldn't let that go...

I do think. it would be wrong to go into her apartment when she wasn't there and look at her things. But that WOULD be a quick way to get those pictures, if she had them. And if I DID go, I would bring a thumbdrive with at least 2 Gigs of memory, because maybe there is video, too...

 I REALLY want to find those photos...

I am Laslo.

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