Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sometimes you touch a woman's ass and it disappoints you. This ass was not disappointing, not disappointing at all.

The Guy Who Touches Women's Asses...

As I said previously: I touch women's asses in public. Women that I don't know. Women with nice asses: I touch them. And I blame women for this: women are to blame. The clothes they wear: what lawyers call "Attractive Nuisance", I believe.

There was a woman at the grocery store today, wearing black leggings. She had a nice ass, so I touched it. Firm. Very much a nice ass. Sometimes you touch a woman's ass and it disappoints you. This ass was not disappointing, not disappointing at all.

Then she turned to face me, saying "Hey!" So I grunted something that vaguely sounded like "Sorry" and I handed her the card that says "I have Autism. And I'm partially deaf."

She fixed me with a suspicious look, but then turned away, pushing her cart down the aisle. As she pushed her cart down the aisle I looked at their ass: I touched that ass.

I am Laslo.

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