Sunday, May 1, 2016

Little Bridget Parker was walking home from town when she encountered one of the Mexicans, just loitering and drinking a Coke.

A Letter from Miss Harriet Tubman, Kansas, 1954:

No, I am not THAT Harriet Tubman. 

I never thought I'd live to see such bad things befall our little town. Yes, it's the Mexicans, again.

Little Bridget Parker was walking home from town when she encountered one of the Mexicans, just loitering and drinking a Coke. Bridget said the Mexican said "Hello", then looked at her with Rape In His Eyes.

Well, she actually said he looked at her "kinda funny" but we know what that means when it is a Mexican male looking at an adorable little white girl.

We tried to find out which of the Mexicans it was, but she was afraid and could only say that he was missing several teeth. Unfortunately, both the Mexicans in town are missing several teeth. I mean, even most Negroes know to clean their teeth, I suspect. But poor oral hygiene is the least of our worries, now.

We can't have Mexicans just going around town with Rape In Their Eyes, it will only lead to something much, much worse -- I don't even want to think about it.

If the Government and the Police won't do anything about then maybe it is time for the Menfolk here in town to step up to their responsibilities: it's been a long time since the unfortunate 'The Drifter Incident'. I'm sure they can tie better knots, now.

It shouldn't have to be this way, but I have lost all faith in Society.

I am Laslo.

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