Sunday, May 1, 2016

Meanwhile, ordinary men and women are doing it all wrong.

The Slightly-Less-Than-Average-Intelligence Althouse Reader says:

I know you Smart People.

You can call to mind any of a dozen arguments on why masculinity must be rigorously controlled and restrained. And this control and restraint is always to benefit women who feel unjustly controlled and restrained.

So the answer to their feelings is to give them the power to do to others what they believe is being done to them. 

And what they feel is being done to them is always some form of Rape.

They feel emotionally raped by the Patriarchy: let them redefine Rape more loosely. 

They feel emotionally raped by Biology: let them redefine gender roles.

They feel emotionally raped by Dissatisfaction, not realizing these two feelings for them are conjoined.

Meanwhile, ordinary men and women are doing it all wrong. They respect each other, acknowledge each other's strengths and weaknesses, help each other.

And the eternally Raped endlessly feel emotionally raped that they are not taken seriously: 

I get it.

And I figure you don't get it.

Because you're Smart.

I am Laslo.

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