Wednesday, June 8, 2016

"That's crazy talk, Massah. I been born black and black I'll be, always and always."

'Samuel, the Transsexual Alabama Slave.'

"Samuel, with you saying you now a woman and all, what changes, exactly?

"Massah, I gets to be free."

"No, Samuel, it doesn't work that way. You are still my slave. Property is property, even if it says it's a woman now."

"No, Massah! I mean Free on the Inside! I ain't no fighting myself no more."

"So you are free on the inside, but you'll still be picking cotton, sun up to sun down?"

"Yes sir, Massah! Just like always."


"Yes, Massah?"

"What would happen if you was to say you were a White Woman now?"

"White Woman? That's crazy talk, Massah. I been born black and black I'll be, always and always."

"That's good to hear, Samuel. Some things don't change, just because you want them to."

"Ain't that the Truth."

I am Laslo.

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