Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Have we really shifted off course so far that People cannot bring themselves to say the obvious?

Have we really shifted off course so far that People cannot bring themselves to say the obvious: that these women were asking for it? 

Party dresses, fuck-me heels and suck-your-cock red lipstick -- men are supposed to ignore the signs the women are consciously sending?

Man is an animal, driven by animal lust: Propagating the Species is Survival of the Species. Lulled by the illusory safety of Paper Law, Women have forgotten that.

In the West we have gone too far with Civilization, letting a Vague Concept remove all vestiges of Instinct and Response. Look at the remains of Ancient Greece to see what 'Civilization' eventually does to a Society: given the time, all that remains are Stone Columns and Piles of Rock.

Muslim Men are much more in touch with their true maleness -- what you can feel in the Skin, not what you have been forced to read in books and hear in lectures. As such, Western Civilization abhors Them, simply for being True to Themselves, while the Western Civilization itself withers away in clouds of Convoluted Thoughts and Restrictions about what it means to be Civilized.

The Snowballing Madness of Western Civilization has removed us from Our Reason for Being: we are in an M. C. Escher drawing, going round and round up and down meaningless stairs. 

Women are NOT the Only Reason for the Crisis of Western Civilization, but Correcting Them -- gently, at first --would do us the Most Good, Most Quickly.

I am Laslo.


  1. "but Correcting Them -- gently, at first"

    Is this a "Shining" reference? Grady, the caretaker?

  2. Sometimes you have to deal with a matter in the harshest possible way...
