Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A lot has happened to me since I first had sex for money back in 1957: oh yes, I have stories...

Harriet, the 72-year-old Prostitute says…

After ejaculating on my face, one of my longest customers suggested that I write my Memoirs, and, I have to say, I am enamored with the idea. A lot has happened to me since I first had sex for money back in 1957: oh yes, I have stories...

In 1958 I was the first of the girls on my block to turn a trick with a Black Man. Looking back, I like to think I was at the vanguard of the Civil Rights Movement: Martin Luther King Jr. hadn't even had his Dream yet, and I had already sucked a Black Man's cock for money, just like he was a White Man...! 

It was quite the Scandal at the time: once my Pimp realized that a Black Man's money spent the same as that of a White Man, he made all the other girls take on black customers. Needless to say, some of them were not quite ready for that: finally, they all agreed to draw the line at the Chinese...

I remember when Martin Luther King Jr. was killed: I had a white customer that day who wanted my services to Celebrate the Event. He was detestable, but if a prostitute refused to serve detestable men she's going to lose out on a lot of money...

Still, I had my laugh: after he finished and paid me I told him that -- by the way -- my previous customer was Black, and that I hadn't washed my vagina between the two of them: oh my, the Look on his Face...!

Oh, don't get me going: once I start telling these stories they all come rushing out...

I am Laslo.

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