Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sure, tell everyone you fly on Don Henley’s jet — join THAT asshole’s band for all I care…

Lindsey Buckingham Has Something to Share With You.

That is just one of the many problems with being in a Band: you think you have everyone rowing the same direction — make the album, tour, shake some hands — and then a Band Member goes Rogue…

Sometimes they go Rogue in an interview, talking about how they feel they are not properly appreciated in the band or they  gush about the new guy they are fucking and he is so wonderful and has his own plane, ignoring that you were the one who put up with all her candles and shit in a tourbus for so many years: sure, tell everyone you fly on Don Henley’s jet — join THAT asshole’s band for all I care…

Or they go Rogue by deciding they need to make a Solo Album. The Band isn’t big enough to display all your Growth as an Artist: by Growth I assume you mean writing the same damned song over and over — which is a song I fucking wrote in the first place. Yeah, go ahead and ’spread your wings’ — you’ve spread just about everything else, I’ve noticed…

There is a reason most bands don’t have a Chick in them: Chicks are NOT Team Players. Given a little attention and they need to be The Star, then they resent the Man who got them there. Like I’m just some guitarist or something. I know the Game you are playing. Just be ready for when I say “Checkmate”, bitch…

By the way: I fucked Stevie Nicks.

When she was Hot.

I am Laslo.

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