Sunday, November 6, 2016

You are on the wrong side of the barbed wire, friends. If you're in my foxhole, and we're shooting at the same guys, I'll make room for you...

I'm Renfro Jeffries, Nazi And Proud Of It!

I want to make one thing clear as a Proud Modern American Nazi: I don't hate all Jews. Really. Who I DO hate are the American Jews -- the ones that are part of the Government-Media-Cosmopolitan Complex...

The Jews in Israel? Pesky guys and gals. Fighting against the right people. I don't know why they haven't gone all Dresden on Gaza, but they still are OK in my book...

The American Jews, though: most of them seem to be okay with the Government-Media-Cosmopolitan Complex's Three-Part Plan:

1. Stop Us From Speaking.

2. Stop Us From Thinking.

3. Stop Us From Breathing.

They're getting close on Number One, and their Schools and Universities are well on their way on Number Two. What: are you waiting for them to get on to Number Three before you start to smell the gas in the oven...?

You are on the wrong side of the barbed wire, friends. If you're in my foxhole, and we're shooting at the same guys, I'll make room for you...

Helter Skelter is coming, and it's coming with Cattle Cars: don't say I didn't tell you.

I'm Renfro Jeffries, Nazi And Proud Of It!

I am Laslo.

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